'Star Trek Into Darkness' is one of those movies I have been anticipating for some time now. As you may remember, I wrote about the trailer when it first came out. I was thoroughly satisfied and frankly overjoyed with this movie! If you are into 'Star Trek' this movie should satisfy any nerdy cravings! Let's get down to business.

I cannot get over how great the writing was. I don't just mean the plot either! There are so many great references, sharp one-liners, and and clever dialogues! I wont spoil anything, just know that you are in for a treat. For the vast majority of the movie I was grinning with nerdy delight at every interaction. Bliss for me.
Cinematography and special effects are both great. I feel like this is pretty obvious so I won't go into detail.
The only annoying thing is that there was just the smallest amount of unnecessary, underwear clad women. The director must like to emphasise Kirk as a womanizer and it was all just a bit out of place in the overall story arc. It's really a small complaint in the grand scheme of things.
To conclude, this movie is a joy to behold. The story is engrossing and riveting, albeit a bit predictable at times. The writing is sharp, clever, and a pure delight! Character development is abundant as each person has plenty of time in the limelight. Most of all, it's fun! Honestly, that's all anyone ever really wants from movies like this. You don't go and see 'Star Trek' for a thought-provoking experience you go because you want to see your familiar friends out adventuring again. That is what you get. It's fabulous. If you are the least bit interested in Sci-Fi, I recommend this movie most heartily! Enjoy.
"You don't go and see 'Star Trek' for a thought-provoking experience you go because you want to see your familiar friends out adventuring again."
And I shall see it for this reason. Thanks!