I am going to go through these chronologically, so first is 'Nicholas Nickleby'. If you know your literature you probably recognize the title. 'Nicolas Nickleby' is based on the book by Charles Dickens. Naturally, that means the story is bleak, grey, and somehow uplifting. There is an awful lot of crying paired with an awful lot of laughing. This is one of my go-to girl movies. Not super girlie, I know! The movie follow Nicholas as he copes with his father's death and the new responsibility of caring for his mother and sister. Throughout the course of the movie he makes friends, enemies, and meets a poor crippled lad named Smike. That's Jamie Bell's part. He plays the most perfect, wretched, miserable, hopeless orphan you could ever wish for! That may sound dark of me, but it's not! The sad characters are just as necessary as the happy. In this case the sad character is also impeccably well acted! Smike is the most lovable, endearing character in the entire movie, hands down. Jamie Bell rocks it as Smike, pulling the entire movie together, and generally being great. All in all, it's a delightful movie. I highly recommend it!

Lastly, we have 'Man on a Ledge'. This one is quite a bit different than the other two. It's not a period piece, it's not a serious drama, and it's not set in a foreign country. This is an action/adventure heist movie. It starts out with a man walking out onto a ledge in New York City. Naturally, everyone gathers, the authorities are summoned, and they begin trying to talk him out of killing himself. Bell plays the brother of the ledge fellow. This is one of those movies where you aren't given all the information upfront, they make you work for it. It's a good thing! Throughout the movie you are putting together who the enemies are, why the things you see happening are happening, and what the grand plan is. It's very fun! It's a bit of an 'edge of your seat' kind of movie. Bell plays almost the comic relief which is a switch. He is a bit of a tough guy, and he has an American accent which is surprisingly well done! I don't want to say too much about the movie because half the fun is not knowing. All I will say is that I recommend it and that, as per usual, Jamie Bell is awesome.
Your Jamie Bell overview and movie reviews here are exceptional! That is all.