Hello all! I know that I haven't checked in for quite some time. Not to make excuses, but it's not my fault! I have been watching trailers and none of them have been any good. Movies I have also watched, and they were so forgettable that I didn't even bother with a blog about it. Finally, the trailer drought is over and I have a few new trailers to share with everyone! Hurray!
I want to start with the one I like the best. 'The Birder's Guide To Everything'. The trailer for this is bizarrely difficult to find! The only place where I could get it is on the Apple Trailers site. So, here is the link to the site where you can find the trailer. Sorry for the difficulty! The Internet has failed me! Here is the link to the trailer, enjoy!
So, I love this trailer and I love Ben Kingsley! It looks so incredibly unique, clever, cute, and enjoyable! Basically, I think I'm going to like it. What did you think?
Second, is 'After The Dark' or 'The Pholosophers'. It seems that the title isn't quite set or perhaps is different from country to country. This movie appears to be a group of young philosophers thought experiment played out. I like the different twist on the standard 'Apocolypse' storyline. Let's take a peek at the trailer.
I think it looks interesting, different, and fun! I get the sneaking feeling that it's going to get quite intense and dramatic by the end but that will probably be pretty cool. All in all, hopefully, it will be a clever and unique twist on an old standby. Not to mention, that was definitely the actress of Ginny Weasley from 'Harry Potter' in there. I haven't seen her in anything besides 'Harry Potter', so that will be fun. If done well, it'll be great I think!
That's all from me today! Hopefully these trailers are just the beginning and I will have plenty of material from here on out! Fingers crossed!

So, I love this trailer and I love Ben Kingsley! It looks so incredibly unique, clever, cute, and enjoyable! Basically, I think I'm going to like it. What did you think?
Second, is 'After The Dark' or 'The Pholosophers'. It seems that the title isn't quite set or perhaps is different from country to country. This movie appears to be a group of young philosophers thought experiment played out. I like the different twist on the standard 'Apocolypse' storyline. Let's take a peek at the trailer.
I think it looks interesting, different, and fun! I get the sneaking feeling that it's going to get quite intense and dramatic by the end but that will probably be pretty cool. All in all, hopefully, it will be a clever and unique twist on an old standby. Not to mention, that was definitely the actress of Ginny Weasley from 'Harry Potter' in there. I haven't seen her in anything besides 'Harry Potter', so that will be fun. If done well, it'll be great I think!
Nice to have you back! The Birders movie looks delightful, the After Dark movie looks intense. Can't wait!