The cast is so eclectic! Jenifer Lawrence, Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, and Jeremy Renner. They are all so good in such different ways! Cooper, Bale, Renner, and Lawrence I absolutely adore! Just thinking about them all on screen together makes me want to squeal like a teenage fan-girl. Frankly, the idea of them all together just seems like a massive, glorious, charisma bomb.
Let's take a look at the trailer now.
It just looks so well done! I can't help myself! I definitely see potential for failure in that trailer but I also see potential for fabulous greatness! I don't know which way it will go. I do know that I was similarly apprehensive about 'Silver Linings Playbook' but I was more than happy with it. (review here) I guess that means that the director has a little good credit with me. Hopefully he wont disappoint me.

So there you have it! A movie to ponder over. I'm hopeful for greatness but who knows. Flops happen. One thing I do think is that 'American Hustle' will be one or the other. Amazing or terrible. What do you think it will be?
A very weird trailer. Hmmm......well, it'll be interesting to see what comes of this one.