Yesterday, I bopped down to the movie theatre and watched 'The Family'. As you may remember,
I was pretty excited about this one. Well, it was underwhelming to say the least. I was expecting a
relatively lighthearted comedy that skipped on the line of a Dark Comedy. 'The Family' was more than I bargained for. It was a full fledged Dark Comedy (and I take that word 'Comedy' lightly) that flirted heavily with being gritty. It just went too far.
The story was promising, but it was executed poorly. Instead of following this Ex-Mafia family as they tried to fit in and assume a normal life. What we actually get is to see them brutally, and I mean brutally, maim and torture countless innocent civilians for little to no reason. I understand that it's a Dark Comedy, and violence
can be done with an air of comedy, this wasn't that. They just kept going. For example: The daughter starts hitting some boy who was making a pass at her. Okay, that can be funny I guess. She then proceeds to pummel the poor boy over, and over, and over, until you honestly fear that he will be bludgeoned to death. I'm not laughing, I'm cringing. These sorts of scenes are present throughout the movie. Because of this, even the funny scenes are less enjoyable because you are always afraid that you are about to witness another barbaric beating.

There were funny parts. Here and there. Tommy Lee Jones was great and Michelle Pfeiffer was funny. It didn't save the film though. Honestly, I feel like if I could just edit the film myself it could be almost good. Just stop some of the scenes short, take out the unnecessary sex scene and BLAM it would be a halfway decent film. Except for the excessive F bombs. I think they were supposed to be funny though, so I won't complain about them, I guess.
This is pretty much the face I made through the whole film. |
Frankly, it was a really tragic look at the worst side of humanity. People who insist on doing the same terrible things over and over even though it has, and will continue, to ruin their lives. Darkness doesn't create light. This family makes their terrible bed and they lie in it. Sadness and more darkness is all that will come from their actions and you have to watch. Not very uplifting.
As I'm sure you can guess, I don't recommend you see this movie. I suggest you forget that it ever existed and move on with your happy life.
I made that same face. I thought they way way way overdid the F bombs, as if to offend and or desensitize people. It was just low class and vulgar that way. The A class actors made a bad choice in attaching their names to it. Sad, sad, sad.