There are very few movies that can lure me out to the theatre opening day. 'Jurassic Park' in 3D is of them. I have seen 'Jurassic Park' more times than I can count, starting from when I was about 8. It was love at first sight! Naturally, when I heard it was going to be back in the theatres I practically jumped out of my skin! I had never seen it in the theatre before and I wanted to. Well, yesterday my dream was accomplished! Now the question is: How did all the special effects and video quality polishing change the movie? That's what I am going to discuss today.
As it has always been, this movie pulls you in with the very first scene! Muldoon and a crew loading a new raptor into the paddock. Let's just say this; Do you remember all that fear and awe you felt the first time you ever saw that scene? You can have it again. I was stunned by how much more detail there was. Either due to always watching on a small screen or worse picture quality there were details and elements I had never picked up on. Everyone I saw 'Jurassic Park' with agreed that you could see the terror in their eyes so very clearly because you could see the details of their eye! Also, all the vast sweeping landscape shots are so very impressive on a vast sweeping screen. It was honestly like watching the movie for the first time, that's how very changed the experience was.
As for the 3D, I enjoyed it! I thought that it added a depth to the forest and a reality to the raptors. Quite worthwhile. There were a few moments where the lens flair on screen was pushed out towards the audience and was floating in a distracting manner. Also, in the car/tree scene, as Grant talks to Timmy in the car, all the dash equipment and steering wheel were emphasised. The weird part of the dash being spotlighted was that you couldn't really tell what you were looking at so you find yourself staring at a blackish blob confused for a second. All in all it was only two very minor issues and the vast majority of the film was beautifully enhanced.
On to the dinosaurs. I was most concerned about the dinosaurs. Everyone has those haunting memories of 'Star Wars' re-releases where overt and 'obviously added later' CGI was thrown everywhere and sometimes replaced the original characters. There was none of that! Thank you movie people! The dino's were the same old dino's you have grown to love and cherish, only polished. They were beautiful, sharp, and animatronics, just like I like them. No complaints there at all!
In conclusion, this movie is so worthwhile that if you don't see it in the theatre you are missing out on a valuable life experience! No joke people. The sound alone makes it worthwile. I honestly got chills when I heard a raptor behind me. Frankly, there were a lot of chill causing scenes. I was 100% satisfied with my viewing experience. I only wish they would keep it in the theatres indefinitely so whenever I feel like watching 'Jurassic Park' I can see the biggest, baddest version the world has ever known! Two thumbs up people!
As it has always been, this movie pulls you in with the very first scene! Muldoon and a crew loading a new raptor into the paddock. Let's just say this; Do you remember all that fear and awe you felt the first time you ever saw that scene? You can have it again. I was stunned by how much more detail there was. Either due to always watching on a small screen or worse picture quality there were details and elements I had never picked up on. Everyone I saw 'Jurassic Park' with agreed that you could see the terror in their eyes so very clearly because you could see the details of their eye! Also, all the vast sweeping landscape shots are so very impressive on a vast sweeping screen. It was honestly like watching the movie for the first time, that's how very changed the experience was.
As for the 3D, I enjoyed it! I thought that it added a depth to the forest and a reality to the raptors. Quite worthwhile. There were a few moments where the lens flair on screen was pushed out towards the audience and was floating in a distracting manner. Also, in the car/tree scene, as Grant talks to Timmy in the car, all the dash equipment and steering wheel were emphasised. The weird part of the dash being spotlighted was that you couldn't really tell what you were looking at so you find yourself staring at a blackish blob confused for a second. All in all it was only two very minor issues and the vast majority of the film was beautifully enhanced.

In conclusion, this movie is so worthwhile that if you don't see it in the theatre you are missing out on a valuable life experience! No joke people. The sound alone makes it worthwile. I honestly got chills when I heard a raptor behind me. Frankly, there were a lot of chill causing scenes. I was 100% satisfied with my viewing experience. I only wish they would keep it in the theatres indefinitely so whenever I feel like watching 'Jurassic Park' I can see the biggest, baddest version the world has ever known! Two thumbs up people!
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