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'Ender's Game' and 'Gravity' ~ Dumb and Dumber!

Happy Daylight Savings time! Yeah, I know, I heard the communal groan. No one likes this tradition! But, while you are feeling particularly grumpy due to the time change I am going to help you avoid watching two wretched films!

First, and the lesser of two evils, is 'Ender's Game'. (If you want to see the trailer click, here.) This movie is somewhat interesting in a teenage sort of way. That is, until the end when the expectable 'Twist' happens and the absolutely bizarre ending that left me feeling confused, a bit uncomfortable, and generally just done with the movie. I was laughing out loud at it's stupidity, I really was. Mostly, it felt like a Politically Correct regurgitation of countless movie and stories that have come before it. It's sad but true! 

The only reason it remained somewhat interesting through the beginning and part of the middle was the acting. Asa Butterfield and Harrison Ford were great. I pretty much watched the movie for those two and they, specifically, didn't disappoint me. I can't wait to see what Butterfield does once he's grown up a little more. The other incredible actors who were in this movie frankly didn't have much screen time. 

This is the training room.
There was one bit I did like. The kids all had this Zero-G training room that was set up in a Laser Tag sort of way. Those scenes were kinda fun! 

All in all, it's more bad than good. It's not close either. This is a serious skip! I mean it, don't waste your time!

Second, we have the worse of the two spacey flicks. 'Gravity'. I, hated this movie. I have been actively telling everyone I can how terrible it is. It's boring, predictable, has massive plot holes, and generally caused me to bang my head against the wall. If you know much about physics or space travel this movie is going to be a cheese-grater on your brain! In the movie, the forces of gravity and friction seem pop in periodically just to make things difficult before the snap back to the strict Zero-G rules. I'm talking about acceleration/deceleration with no cause. It will literally go like this. "Oh no, I'm at a complete stop in outer space but since I just unclipped myself I'm going to go SHOOTING off into the distance for no apparent reason." Before people try and say maybe just everything else way moving, NO! Not a valid point, he had remained the same relative distance to everything steadily, even if everything was moving, he was moving at the same rate. 

There are so many terrible moments in this film and I won't go over every single one. Just know that it's no good! The acting was acceptable I guess. They pretty much were only ever scared. That's not what I call a good range of emotion. Not to mention, we mostly only see their faces. Frankly, the script and plot were both so bad it's all blurring into one mucky mess.

Guess what?! MORE FLOATING!
To sum up: Skip, skip, skip! Do not see this terrible movie unless you want something to rip to shreds with a group of friends. It would work for that. 

Thank you all and talk to you again soon!


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