Last night I snuggled in with a cup of cocoa and watched 'Robot and Frank'. I first blogged about the trailer over a year ago,
here. Finally, it came out on Netflix instant so I could give it a watch!
'Robot and Frank' is a movie about an aging man whose son gives him an assistance robot. It's set slightly in the future where aid robots are more commonplace. Frank is having problems with his memory so he needs someone, or something, there to make sure he doesn't get confused or lost. One of the things I like about this film is that even though he had trouble with his memory, he was still very smart and capable in most areas of his life.

Frank is very resistant to the robot but begins to see the silver lining when he realized that the robot doesn't have any programming that prohibits him from breaking the law. You see, Frank is a retired high-end cat burglar. Now that Frank has the help of his new robot friend, he is able to come out of retirement and pull some new jobs!

As you can see, the plot line is unique. It's also a very quiet, calm film. Most of the joy is in watching the developing bond between the two characters and seeing Frank's health improve because of the new stimulus. It's enjoyable to watch! Frank himself is a very relate-able character, at least for me! Looking around he is watching as technology over-runs every aspect of his life and all the while he is resisting. One of the side stories is about how they are removing, and recycling, all the books from the library. If that ever happened, I would be incredibly grumpy as well.
This is a quiet thoughtful movie with a few more twists and turn then you might expect. It's not going to be your new favorite movie, but I found it enjoyable none the less. If you are bored some night, I say give it a watch.
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