'The Scapegoat' is a movie about two men who, by chance, meet each other and realize that they are exactly identical in appearance. One is from a wealthy aristocratic family who runs a foundry while the other is a poor schoolteacher. Johnny and John, respectively. At first I was expecting a 'Prince and the Pauper' storyline but I was happily surprised! After an evening of chatting and deciding that they have no familial ties, the poor man falls asleep. In the morning he wakes to discover that all of his belongings have been stolen and replaced with the things of the rich man and there is a butler at the door prepared to drive him "home". He is now thrust into the life of his rich counterpart. Naturally, at first he tries to explain what has happened but the entire household attributes it to his ever so common drunken tomfoolery.

To sum up, this is a great drama brainteaser! Absolutely engrossing. It will have you guessing to the very end! I highly recommend it!
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