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The Sapphires ~ A Real Gem (Get it?)

Hello all! I have a movie review for you today. The movie is 'The Sapphires'. As you may remember, I recommended this movie previously in a post. Let's just say I wasn't disappointed!

'The Sapphires'. A movie about four Aboriginal girls in Australia. Three sisters and one cousin. These four girls can sing incredibly well together. They have a few things stacked against them though; They're black in the 1960's and they aren't polished as a music act. They can't do anything about the black bit, but upon meeting an enthusiastic man who agrees to be their manager, their career begins to really grow. This manager switches them from Country/Western music to Soul and teaches them some choreography. Oh, I almost forgot to mention one last thing! They go out to perform for the US troops in Vietnam. That ups the stakes a bit, doesn't it?

This movie is simply great! My favorite thing about it is the characters. They are very unique, believable, and complex. They all have great chemistry and the dialogue is laugh out loud good! The overall feel was Romantic Dramedy. Naturally, there are several songs performed through the movie. The singing is also great! It's really solid all the way around. An intriguing true story that has been translated to a legit script and is now being acted proficiently with great costumes and visuals. I honestly, don't have any issues with the movie!

Actually, I take that back. I have one tiny issue. It's minuscule really! Somehow, when they are traveling from Army base to Army Base in Vietnam their on stage outfits and hair/makeup improve with their confidence level, competence, and fame level. That would make sense in a normal movie, but where in heck were they finding dresses in a war zone? Tiny little production problem, but I did notice it. It that's the biggest issue I have then this movie did very well!

Never mind, I have one more little negative. It's not really a negative in the sense that it's not a mistake. I just want to warn that there is some vulgarity. They are on Army bases and there is some rough dialogue and a bit of hanky pank. It's nothing to be shocked by but it's enough to mention.

To sum up, I recommend it! It's heartfelt, funny, thought provoking, and a bit romantic. It's certainly worth a watch!


  1. I love love loved the dude in this film. And the girls were cute as a button, every single one of them. Appreciated the maturing of each character due to their experiences. Great review!


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